Full Download Facebook Ads That Convert : A Beginners Guide To Creating FB Ads That Generate Leads, Enquiries & Sales for Local Businesses - Samith Pich | ePub Online

Read Facebook Ads That Convert : A Beginners Guide To Creating FB Ads That Generate Leads, Enquiries & Sales for Local Businesses - Samith Pich | ePub

Have you been boosting your posts on facebook but only generated ‘Likes’ and even worse, crickets? Are you frustrated with trying to figure out how to use Facebook Ads for your business? If you’re a local business who is more interested in generating real leads and enquiries, phone calls, bookings and sales then this is the book for you. Facebook Ads That Convert - A

Title : Facebook Ads That Convert : A Beginners Guide To Creating FB Ads That Generate Leads, Enquiries & Sales for Local Businesses
Author : Samith Pich
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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