Title | : | The Alliance: Grey aliens lead an Alliance to help Earth fight off the Reptilians |
Author | : | Pete Elmore |
Language | : | en |
Rating | : | |
Type | : | PDF, ePub, Kindle |
Uploaded | : | Apr 11, 2021 |
Title | : | The Alliance: Grey aliens lead an Alliance to help Earth fight off the Reptilians |
Author | : | Pete Elmore |
Language | : | en |
Rating | : | 4.90 out of 5 stars |
Type | : | PDF, ePub, Kindle |
Uploaded | : | Apr 11, 2021 |
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On the 1954 greada treaty, the eisenhower administration bypasses the us constitution and form a pact with alien races. In exchange for advanced technology, the aliens would be allowed to do experiments on life stocks, minerals, and a small group of humans.
The people who released the film created a controversy when they said they made it in an apartment using a mannequin because the original film got degraded.
Dec 8, 2020 haim eshed - the head of israel's space security programme for nearly 30 years - described a so-called 'galactic federation' which supposedly.
This is also a true nordic aliens encounter incident which is worth mentioning. It was 20 th november 1952 when george adamski, a polish american citizen met a man with a long hair on the desert of california. Description provided by adamski proved that the unusual looking man was a nordic alien.
Gonzales was told by three (human) chairmen from the committee of 200 that the meeting would not be a negotiation, but an opportunity to hear the leader of the draconian federation alliance, at least in this solar system. After being led through an honor guard of nine foot tall draconian reptilians, gonzales met with the white royal draco.
The alliance to restore the republic, also known as the rebel alliance and the rebellion, was an rebel government formed out of various rebel cells that.
The difference between fallen angels, demons, aliens, jedi, and the watchers. By sherry shriner in these last days, the bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and the mixture and corruption of human dna by fallen angels, also known as aliens.
The modern version of the little green men, and currently the most common depiction of extraterrestrials.
“alien” encounters lead experiencers to the conclusion that god is not a personified deity, but a cosmic consciousness, and that some “grey aliens” are good angels. More directly, aliens also claim over and over to be the creators of mankind.
The gray aliens, when they had discovered a workable although crude solution to their hybridization program, felt that a reduction of the human population was to their advantage. This is why they presented the technology for nuclear weapons to both the german and the american governments.
The blood cells of these aliens are biconvex in shape in compared to that of the humans who have concave blood cells. They are known to be silent watchers of the planet earth and thereby help human beings to become aware about the behaviors that can lead to a catastrophe.
Jul 26, 2018 they come in peace or else to bring about the annihilation of the human race. With david bowie's turn as the man who fell to earth lighting.
With liam neeson, dermot mulroney, frank grillo, dallas roberts. After their plane crashes in alaska, six oil workers are led by a skilled huntsman to survival, but a pack of merciless wolves haunts their every step.
A bizarre world war 3 conspiracy theory has surfaced online, claiming an overlord raced of reptilian aliens is orchestrating world events to trigger a global war in europe.
Grey aliens, also referred to as zeta reticulans, roswell greys, or grays, are purported extraterrestrial beings. Bryan, seventy-three percent of all reported alien encounters in the united states describe grey aliens, a significantly higher proportion than other countries.
According to roman, an alienspecies known as the greys already lives here on earth in hiding, but future events on their home planet will trigger a mass migration to our solar system.
Negative et manipulators/orion groups: gray's, reptilians, insectilians, hybrids,are ruled by the orion reptilian queens. The orion group is a draconian controlled and manipulated regressive extraterrestrial political body that is specifically made up of eighteen different star systems within the orion constellation.
The alien government is based out of nevada and had previously run nazi germany.
The united states made one or more agreements with a species described as the tall greys, and has agreed not to interfere with alien operational plans in trade for technology. The large greys use smaller cloned big-headed greys to perform abduction and examination work.
Abbreviation - negative alien agenda or negative aliens archon group. Negative alien agenda or naa; the negative alien agenda naa is to force the planet to serve another multiple species controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as holographic inserts, ai and mind control, namely created under genetically “reptilian based” archons.
The grey aliens are the most commonly accepted form of alien and many take it as a given that they are here and involved in human affairs. They crossbreed human and alien dna to create a race that displays the best attributes of each. This entity will then be planted on another planet and given a chance to evolve.
The pleiadian alien or also known as nordic aliens resemble to human in various forms, however, this alien are highly progressed spiritual beings. Pleiadian alien is thought to live in various spaces, time dimensions as their capability to control the authority of the spiritual places. This alien comes from the planet erra that orbits theread more.
The alliance: grey aliens lead an alliance to help earth fight off the reptilians paperback – october 14, 2018 by pete elmore (author).
Nasa admits it is in contact with alien species and just forgot to mention it a conspiracy site republished a satirical claim that nasa admitted alien contact but failed to disclose that.
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