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This convenient, money-saving package is a must-have for students training for a career as an emt-paramedic. It includes mosby's paramedic textbook, 3e, the workbook to accompany mosby's paramedic textbook, 3e, and the rapid paramedic (pocket guide). For further information on each individual product, please click on the link provided below.
Drug monographs on the evolve companion website include mosby's essential drugs, with instant access to comprehensive, up-to-date information on the medications that are administered by paramedics as well as those most commonly prescribed to patients.
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Reflecting the 2010 emergency cardiovascular care guidelines, mosby's paramedic textbook, 4th edition provides a comprehensive learning tool for both first-time and refresher paramedic students. Coverage includes an overview of key subjects such as pharmacology, airway management, medical disorders, patient assessment, and trauma.
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Mosby s paramedic textbook this convenient, money-saving package is a must-have for students training for a career as an emt-paramedic. It includes mosby's paramedic textbook, 3e, the workbook to accompany mosby's paramedic textbook, 3e, and the rapid paramedic (pocket guide).
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