This is the true story of Shaghayegh Poppy Farsijani, an American-Iranian rebellious teenager living a care-free life in Brooklyn, on track to go to college and become a journalist, just as she'd always dreamed of. But when Poppy's father reevaluates her cultural assimilation at the age of seventeen, he decides she's becoming too white--and relocates their family to
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Shaming my red lips: the diary of a wild poppy who lost her identity and found it again - kindle edition by farsijani, shaghayegh poppy.
Feb 10, 2020 what i love about red lipstick in general is that it doesn't matter what color your skin is or what shape your lips are, you can find a red that works.
Nov 11, 2020 “my mother, a woman of 54 years, got slutshamed, by some of our nearest relatives, for wearing red lipstick at a family get-together.
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