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Nontank Vessel Response Plans and Other - Federal Register
Nprm - Nontank Vessel Response Plans and Other Vessel Response Plan Requirements (Federal Register Publication) (Us Coast Guard Regulation) (Uscg) (2018 Edition)
Federal Register :: Nontank Vessel Response Plans and Other
Nontank Vessel Response Plans and Other Response Plan
If there is a discrepancy between this document and the
NTVRP Clarification of Implementation Date and Notice of
One-Time Port Waivers for VRP and NTVRP – General Guidance to
1127 3885 2857 3752 4529 4433 4119 3774 3586 2723 1055 2970 1656 4442 4024 2259 4052 344 4325 2964 1572 1202 1205 4361 1299 3154 3279 581 2820 4343 2626 3013 1534 4850
The nontank vessel response plans and other response plan requirements (ntvrp) final rule, requires vessel owners or operators of nontank vessels 400 gross tons andabove to prepare and submit oil spill response plans for vessels operating on the navigable waters of the united states.
Nontank vessel oil spill contingency plan the owner or operator of the vessel for which this plan covers is the planolder. H read the instruction sheet before completing this document. This plan is submitted and approved in accordance with government code §8670.
Nontank vessel response plans and other vessels response plan requirements (uscg-2008-1070) (rin 1625-ab27; 33 cfr parts 151, 155 and 160) on 31 august 2009 (74 fr 44970) the uscg issued a nprm, which proposes regulations requiring owners or operators of nontank vessels to prepare and submit oil spill response plans.
Submitted by christopher friese, commercial vessel safety specialist office of marine environmental response (cg-mer).
Vessels are required to prepare and submit oil discharge response plans for certain vessels operating on the navigable waters of the united states. The purpose of these requirements is to support pollution response planning and preparedness in order to limit the environmental damage resulting from tank and nontank vessel marine casualties.
The coast guard maritime transportation act of 2004 amended the federal water pollution control act and required owner/operators of nontank vessels to prepare and submit, by 9 august 2005, plans for responding to a worst case discharge and to a substantial threat of such a discharge of oil from their vessels.
Summary: the department of homeland security, united states coast guard, proposes this nontank vessel.
Guidance for the development and review of response plans for nontank vessels” remains in effect until 30 january 2014, you must submit ntvrps that comply with the requirements of the “nontank vessel response plans and other response plan requirements” final rule.
1040 response plan requirements for unmanned tank barges carrying oil as a primary cargo. 1045 response plan requirements for vessels carrying oil as a secondary cargo. 1050 response plan development and evaluation criteria for vessels carrying groups i through iv petroleum oil as a primary cargo.
In response to nprm public comments about the burden of training and exercise requirements, the coast.
Response plans must describe the training of persons on a tank vessel which carries of proposed rulemaking (nprm) for the final rule on spill response plans.
Nontank vessel response plans (ntvrp) – frequently asked questions.
The development of a nontank vessel response plan prepares the vessel's crew and ship management to respond to an oil spill.
Re: nontank vessel response plans and other vessel response plan requirements (uscg-2008-1070). Dear sir or madam: on behalf of the american waterways operators (awo), thank you for the opportunity to comment on the notice of proposed rulemaking (nprm) establishing response plan requirements for nontank vessels.
Deactivation of old non-tank vessel response plans on 31 january 2014. On 14 january 2014 the uscg published a notice concerning the deactivation on 31 january 2014 of old non-tank vessel response plans which were created under the interim provisions of nvic 01-05 ch-1.
Any nontank vessel operator or owner visiting us waters must prepare a vessel response plan for approval by the us coast guard (uscg). The deadline for submissions of the plans is 8th august, 2005. However, the uscg has informally requested the plans be submitted 30 days before the deadline.
• the response planning standard (rps) was established to identify the volume of fuel, specific to each ntv, for which a person must contain and control within 48 hours, and cleanup within the shortest possible time consistent with minimizing damage to the environment.
Nontank vessel response plans and other vessel response plan requirements (rin 1625-aa32) – as required by the oil pollution act of 1990, on august 31, 2009, the coast guard published a nprm to require the owners and operators of nontank vessels greater than 400 gross tons which carry oil for fuel to prepare and submit oil spill response plans.
5035 nontank vessel response plan requirements: specific content. This section of the vessel response plan (vrp) must include - (1) the vessel's name, country of registry, call sign, official number, and international maritime organization (imo) international number (if applicable).
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