Full Download When the World Stopped to Listen: Van Cliburn's Cold War Triumph, and Its Aftermath - Stuart Isacoff | PDF Online

Read When the World Stopped to Listen: Van Cliburn's Cold War Triumph, and Its Aftermath - Stuart Isacoff file in PDF

April 1958: The Soviets were leading the space race, the Iron Curtain was at its heaviest, and the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition in Moscow seemed certain to crown a hometown champion. But as the world's finest young pianists descended on the Russian capital, an unlikely favorite emerged: Van Cliburn, a polite, lanky Texan whose passionate virtuosity captured

Title : When the World Stopped to Listen: Van Cliburn's Cold War Triumph, and Its Aftermath
Author : Stuart Isacoff
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 11, 2021

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