Read Online Playing Fair: Political Obligation and the Problems of Punishment - Richard Dagger | PDF
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Mar 16, 2015 to sort this out, we need to distinguish between the rules of the game, the code of fair play, and the authority of the officials.
Mar 18, 2017 to have a political obligation is to have a moral duty to obey the laws and obligation to obey the law is grounded in the principle of fair play.
Sep 7, 2012 including consent theories and the theory based on the principle of fair play – regard political authority in what i call an aggregative fashion.
The principle of fair play i the traditional consent theory account of political obligation can be understood as advancing two basic claims. (1) allor most citizens, at least within reasonably just political communities, have political obligations (that is, moral obligations or duties to obey the law and support the polit.
Is the political obligation also a moral obligation, and, if so, why? the major question is whether the concept of fair play, which rawls advances as his principle.
This gives us reason to suspect that considerations of fair play are not ultimately what ground political obligation on klosko’s picture. Rather an independent imperative to help supply essential goods to one’s compatriots – a “natural duty” – may be what is doing the work (wellman and simmons 2005: 189-90).
This paper attempts to establish that, and explain why, the practice of punishing offenders is in principle morally permissible. My account is a nonstandard version of the fair play view, according to which punishment’s permissibility derives from reciprocal obligations shared by members of a political community, understood as a mutually beneficial, cooperative venture.
• so perhaps the best form of fair play solution to political obligation will still be framed in terms of being benefitted rather than accepting benefits. Rpo 3: problem of non-necessary compliance • rawls' principle says that obligation exists if advantages held by everyone but this is not true of political obligation.
The principle of fair play is a mainstay in many debates in moral and political philosophy. It is perhaps the most promising basis for political obligation.
Public service is a public trust, requiring officials and employees to place loyalty to the citizens, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain.
The fair play theory of political obligation goes as follows: we’re all in this together. Every one of us got where we are because of the sacrifices and tax dollars of those who came before. We benefit from the group endeavor that is government and so, when the time comes, it’s only right that we pay our fair share, both by cutting a check.
Non-voluntaristic theories assume that individuals can be subject to political obligations without voluntarily undertaking.
Fair play theory 1) obligation is owed to the other members of the scheme (2) and myself as benefits.
Nov 13, 2017 or does your duty of obedience follow from your obligation to be fair to the most known version of the gratitude theory of political obligation holds it is, for example, definitely against the state's interest.
Sep 23, 2011 but is that true? does the so-called “fair play” account of political obligation work? not really.
Account of political obligation must satisfy some reasonable standard of generality. Rather, i believe that the principle of fairness is not vulnerable on this ground. The principle of fairness does not ground obligation on consent-either express or tacit-and so its generality is not hampered by the need for citizens to consent to their governments.
Dagger argues that the argument from membership is flawed and that the argument from fair play is superior to it when considering the political obligation of residents to obey the laws of a state. I agree with dagger on his point that the argument from fair play is superior, but i do believe that certain residents of the united states are obligated to follow the laws on the grounds of the argument from membership as well.
Fair play, political obligation, and punishment hoskins, zachary 2010-09-07 00:00:00 this paper attempts to establish that, and explain why, the practice of punishing offenders is in principle morally permissible. My account is a nonstandard version of the fair play view, according to which punishment’s permissibility derives from reciprocal obligations shared by members of a political community, understood as a mutually beneficial, cooperative venture.
Establishes the connection of fair play to moral duties and political obligations and examines the relationship among cooperation, justice, and fair play comprises a defense of the standard account of authority and of the more demanding view of the citizen's obligation to obey the laws of a genuine polity.
2019年10月15日 richard dagger purports to solve the problem of political obligation and the problem of punishment simultaneously, by employing the principle.
If the answer is yes and the mere illegality of an act renders its performance prima facie morally wrong, then i am under a political obligation. Political obligation thus refers to the moral duty of citizens to obey the laws of their state.
Learn more obligation to obey the law - political wireless philosophy.
Provides a full defence of a theory of political obligation on the basis of the principle of fairness (or fair play). The book responds to the most important objections and extends a theory-based on fairness into a developed ‘multiple principle’ theory of obligation.
The principle of fair play applies to a political society only if that society can reasonably be regarded as a cooperative enterprise.
Richard dagger purports to solve the problem of political obligation and the problem of punishment simultaneously, by employing the principle of fair play. Notwithstanding the valuable contribution his book makes to the philosophical debate, i argue that dagger does not defeat long-standing objections faced by fair play-based justifications of the duty to obey the law and of state punishment.
Jan 2, 2018 keywords: voluntary taxation, sloterdijk, athenian democracy, tax planning, political obligation, reciprocity, trust, rawls, duty of fair play, sandel.
Feb 23, 2021 the first two interests are reflected in his playing fair: political obligation and the problems of punishment (oxford university press, 2018).
The fair play theory of political obligation goes as follows: we’re all in this together. Every one of us got where we are because of the sacrifices and tax dollars of those who came before. We benefit from the group endeavor that is government and so, when the time comes, it’s only right that we pay our fair share, both by cutting a check to the irs and not mucking the whole thing up by disobeying laws.
Playing fair: political obligation and the problems of punishment.
As a theory of political obligation, the theory of fair play is quite straightforward, intuitive2 and appealing in its citizen-to-citizen model.
My account is a nonstandard version of the fair play view, according to which punishment’s permissibility derives from reciprocal obligations shared by members of a political community, understood.
The principle of fair play applies to a political society only if its members can reasonably regard it as a cooperative enterprise that works to their mutual benefit. If it can, the members have an obligation of fair play to do their part in maintaining the enterprise.
Jul 30, 2018 fair play theory alleges that i am obligated, by my participation in this practice (in particular, through my voluntary receipt of benefits and the costs.
Jan 1, 2015 of the principle of fairness, or fair play (these two terms will be used synonymously throughout this essay) is that a political or moral obligation.
Membership, fair play, and political obligation membership, fair play, and political obligation dagger, richard 2000-03-01 00:00:00 arizona state university in recent years a number of theorists have maintained that the obligation to obey the law is best conceived and justified as an associational obligation.
While much has been written on both political obligation and the justification of punishment, including numerous essays in recent years that approach one or the other topic in fair-play terms, there has been no sustained effort to link the two in a fair-play theory of political obligation and punishment.
The voluntary version of the fair-play theory of political obligations. The voluntary version can be divided into two parts: a part which specifies when there are fair-play obligations in general and a part which applies this general account to citizens and the state.
This paper argues against these revisionist accounts in two ways: first, by pointing to defects in their conceptions of authority; and second, by sketching a fair-play approach to authority and political obligation that vindicates the standard account.
It’s the obligation of journalists to seek out the other side of the story, to get a response from the person at the centre of allegations and criticisms, to double check claims.
Title: review of richard dagger, playing fair: political obligation and the problems of punishment.
In recent years a number of theorists have maintained that the obligation to obey the law is best conceived and justified as an associational obligation. Not consent or utility or fair play but membership is the source of political obligation. These theorists are wrong, i argue, but they are wrong in interesting and illuminating ways.
Apr 29, 2015 political obligation, duty to obey the law, normative consent, consent, natural duty provisional right, fair play, fairness, particularity problem,.
This lecture explores the natural duty and fair play justifications for our political obligations.
Not consent or utility or fair play but membership is the source of political obligation. These theorists are wrong, i argue, but they are wrong in interesting and illuminating ways. For an examination of the advantages and disadvantages of the membership account of political obligation underscores the merits of a rival account of obligation grounded in the principle of fair play.
The question of the duty to obey the law is an old question and the subject of one of plato’s most famous early socratic dialogues.
Göran duus-otterström - 2018 - european journal of political theory147488511877862.
In playing fair, richard dagger aims to fill this gap and provide a unified theory of political obligation and the justification of punishment that takes its bearings from the principle of fair play. To do this, he first establishes the principle of fair play - the idea that citizens in a cooperative venture have obligations to each other to shoulder a fair share of the burdens because they receive a fair share of the benefits of cooperation - as the basis of political obligation.
The principle of fair play applies to a political society only if that society can reasonably be regarded as a cooperative enterprise. If it can, the members of the polity have an obligation of fair play to do their part in maintaining the enterprise.
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